Parents of The Covenant Nation on Sunday, June 12, 2022One of the prerequisites to leading today’s teens is for all handlers to learn the art of hearing from God in the way the teens should go. Jesus
admonished us in His word in the Gospel of John Chapter 10 “….I know my sheep, my sheep know me, they listen to my voice, the voice of
strangers they won’t hear…….”
A metaphor to drive this passage of the Bible to make it relatable is
John Wooden is the head Basketball Coach of the University of California at Los Angeles. He prepares his players to hear his voice during games by rolling up a program and talking through it at practice. During games, they could distinguish his voice from the crowd. Spiritual
leaders (teachers, parents, coaches) do the same with God to lead the teens
Two of the attributes of John Wooden that stood him out are; that he focused on the process rather than the games. He also taught his players how to listen to him.
So far the feedback has been awesome from the parents and teachers who made themselves available for the engagement in the two services.
Many thanks to the JESUS TRIBE department of The Covenant Nations for the invite
Our number one job as leaders to the teens is to learn how to be attentive to God because the ministry of parenting starts in God, continues in God, and ends in God.
Please, watch the full video of this teaching on my youtube channel
Thank you